Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Music is a Tender Mercy

Music is so wonderful and can speak to my heart on days when nothing else can get through. Lately I'm LOVING Katy Perry's "Roar." 

I'm so grateful for the wonderful women who have gone before me and are forging a path through this darkness that others can follow. There was a thread on a facebook community I'm a part of that gave song suggestions for WoPAs and it has helped me get through this week. I know I'll use the music as a part of my life for a long time to come so I'm just grateful today. 

Thank you lady friends for sharing in your struggle, your ups and downs, your faith and doubts, your path that others may learn, feel validation, know they aren't alone, grow, and find their own path.


  1. Music is such a HUGE part of my recovery. It seems I hear meaning in songs that I never have before. Sometimes it's the only way I make it through the day. Hold strong my warrior sister! Embrace those tender mercies. I'm not sure if you want any other music suggestions, but here are a couple that have really helped me lately: I Bet You Don't Curse God by Christina Grimmie, Peace by OAR, I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me and Two Hands Up by OAR. Hugs and prayers from one WoPA to another!

  2. Thank you so much for the suggestions - I'm ALWAYS looking for more good music. It is so powerful an I'm relying on music a lot this week especially.
