Thursday, October 16, 2014

The One Where I don't like a popular song

There is a new-ish song that I've heard several times on the radio. The first time I heard this song it rubbed me the wrong way and every time since I like it less and less. I want to share why. The song is called "God Made Girls" The song is all about why God made girls, with the reason being for guys. God made girls to rock the guys world, to drag him to church, to wear skirts, to make him get dressed up, to give him a reason to wash his truck. I think I get the sentiment - guys and girls compliment each other. However, I just really really dislike the way this sentiment is expressed. God did NOT make girls FOR boys. We are not subservient to men. Our sole purpose is not to elevate the life of the men in the world. I am not made solely to please my husband, or fix him, or care for him. I am more than that. It just seems like the lyrics promote that the goal is for men to be successful, and they needed help to be successful, so women were made to get them the rest of the way.

No, no no. We are all made to be successful and we can all help each other along the way, but my purpose is not solely to make B successful. It is for me to be successful too - and my success isn't measured by whether or not B is successful. I think that is the root of my discontent. It seems that if God made girls for all these things then if he doesn't go to church, or open the door, or wash his truck it is somehow the girl's fault. That is the lie. Nobody is responsible for another person's actions. Everyone is responsible for themselves. Guys can wash their own damn truck without a girl around to motivate them. They can get to church for themselves, on their own, regardless of whether or not a female is encouraging them.

Maybe if this addiction wasn't part of my life I would feel differently about this song. But that is not my reality. My reality is that things are affected by the presence of this addiction. But maybe, just maybe, the effects are good because I'm more sensitive to so many lies that exist in our culture. I'm better at identifying them. I'm better at rejecting them. I'm better at seeking the truth and shunning the lies.

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