Monday, June 8, 2015

One Big Step Back, Two Baby Steps Forward: Part I

A lot has happened this past weekend and I want to get it all written down for my own processing and healing. I'm going to do so in three posts - the first of which will discuss the ONE BIG STEP BACK. So this post will not be a happy one, but I still feel it is an important part of the story for myself.

A few nights ago B forgot to keep the commitment he made of watching the video Helping Her Heal with me that night. He had made that commitment earlier in the day – bringing it up and coming up with the time himself.

At the end of the night he asked what was wrong and I told him that he said he was going to watch that video. His apology was “I’m sorry but this and this and this came up, as you know, and I forgot so I need you to give me understanding” To me that is not an apology – he was making excuses instead of just owning that yes, I made a mistake, and I am sorry how can I make it up to you?

We argued for about 5 minutes and then I said I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. He was in victim mode and making the entire thing about himself and blaming me so I stuck to my own boundary of not continuing such a conversation and he stormed out of the room.

We slept apart.

The next morning before I left for work I asked if he wanted to talk about anything before I left. He said “You made me feel like a failure and a scum bag so no” I responded by telling him that I did not call names, I did not yell, I did not make him feel that way. If he is feeling shame that is on him and not on me. After a couple minutes of arguing I told him I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. He kept going. I got up to walk away and he followed me for the next 10 minutes as I got ready for work. He was yelling, cursing, and blaming me for everything. It was some of the worst verbal abuse I've experienced from him. Our toddler was pushing him and trying to protect me. I did not say anything except “I don’t want to talk” and “I just want this conversation to end” He then said he was going to watch the video now and went to the computer. I told him, forcefully, that he would not watch that video with our toddler around. He got up and continued yelling at me. It was my fault that our marriage is falling apart. It was my fault that he felt like crap. It was my fault that we don't get along. I was told that I am to blame for it all, his unhappiness, our unhappiness, parts of his addiction, all of it. At one point we ended up in the bedroom while I was getting ready. I was still not talking unless I was saying that I didn't want to talk anymore.  I tried leaving as he was still verbally and emotionally abusing me and he wouldn’t let me out. He wouldn’t let me out for what seemed like a lifetime but was probably more like a minute. I only said “Please let me out” and after the minute I panicked, my breath sped up and I yelled “JUST LET ME PASS!” at which point he let me pass – berating me the entire time.

I felt very scared for my safety when he trapped me in my own room. He physically stayed in my way. He's never hit me or shoved me but in that moment I was terrified that he might, especially if I tried to force my way past him. 

Just before I left I asked if he wanted me to take little man for 5 minutes so he could cool down and he started yelling again so I just left. He told me congratulations on traumatizing our son, that it was my fault that our little boy had now witnessed such ugliness.

That day was hard. I called a friend and sobbed. I called my dad, our bishop, and sobbed. I called our therapist and sobbed. They all told me the same thing, he was not allowed to cross that line and I needed to make it clear that this would never happen again. I was grateful for their reassurance of what I knew in my heart. At work that morning a friend asked if I was okay. I broke down into wracking sobs again. I was barely holding it together all day. Scratch that I wasn't holding it together all day, only for about 1 hour spurts.

I should mention when I was a teenager my first boyfriend shoved me down the stairs once. And after we broke up he trapped me in a car for 30+ minutes while he verbally and emotionally abused me. I believe this experience with B traumatized me so much because it brought the same fear and helplessness to my heart that I experienced as that 16 year old girl. 

That day, that B treated me this way, I was ready to tell him to move out of our room for good, or possibly out of our home. All day I found myself walking with my head facing down looking at the ground. My beautiful friend who was my first call had reminded me to not let him take away who I am. I am a strong, beautiful, smart woman and he doesn't get to treat me like that and I am not what he called me and I am not responsible for the things he blamed me for. Throughout the day I reminded myself to hold my head up high and push my shoulders back and walk tall. I AM a strong woman. I CAN stand up for myself. I DO NOT deserve the treatment I received and I DO have choices.

It was a bad day.


  1. Oh sweety! I'm sending you a giantic internet hug! You did everything right this morning... except for one thing... why did you leave your baby with him in that state?!?

    I know it's hard when you're floundering to set boundaries and it's so hard financially and mentally to find other care for your children in this issue... but he should't be allowed around your child! You can rationalize this any way you want to (he's a good father, he would never hurt his child!) but you know the reality! He is hurting him. He's teaching him that it's ok to abuse his mother! He's passive aggressively taking out his frustrations on him while he's alone with him during the day! He's rocked that little guys world to a point that a 2 year old was trying to defend you from his dad! And not only that but what do you think this addict is doing while alone with the kid all day? Bringing the spirit of the devil into your home, chat lines? porn? mine went so far as to bring prostitutes home while the kids napped. Worse than that even... he's gotten himself into a mental state where he's not paying attention to your child. Nothing exists outside his head including his precious son. You need to seriously consider every option for child care away from him as possible. He isn't safe.

    I know how hard this is... I've lived every minute of it. You don't deserve to be treated this way... and when he comes back with his apology later today or tomorrow it will mean nothing! You need to find some distance at this point. We are asked to support and forgive... but we aren't expected to be emotional punching bags. Not only that but he's not going to truly change until he looses something big. Can you go somewhere with your kids for a week or two? Can you ask him to leave?

    Even the crappy therapists for sex addictions recommend getting some distance. After this morning you need to take that step if at all possible. Please don't continue to take this abuse... he needs some alone time right now and you and your kids are too easy of targets for his addicts rage.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can I also say that any apology he could come up with after this morning won't be sincere... he won't be able to apologize properly for this without months of sobriety. I have been with my addict for 15 years and he has never once blamed me for his addiction. Your husband IS NOT in recovery he's smack dab right in the middle of evil. I really hope that these third parties you've reached out to are not telling you just to be patient. This time passive support for the addict isn't going to be enough. He needs tough love or this is only going to get worse for you. You have fundamental rights to be respected in this relationship too and have done nothing do deserve this treatment. Please don't think you have to put up with it. You will do more good by showing him what he's about to loose than just shutting up and putting up. In a way that is enabling him to continue on the same path he's on.

  4. From one wopa to another, i want to say way to go!! Im so glad you stood up for yourself and your children calmly and firmly.
